Renewable energy overtakes gas to power Britain

A recent analysis investigating where Britain obtains their energy, found that domestic renewables have displaced 16% of the UK’s entire annual gas imports. Since October, domestic wind, hydro and solar combined have produced 34TWh (terawatt hours), which is 2TWh more than the 32TWh generated by gas. This is a positive shift towards greater reliance on renewable energy to power Britain and a big step towards reducing the burning of fossil fuels.  

With the volatile gas prices and supplies at risk; this is a great time for renewables to overtake Britain’s previous reliance on gas. Thinktank ECIU explain how adding renewable power to the grid, will reduce the amount of gas needed for power generation and will free it up for things like heating homes instead. This also allows Britain to become a net exporter of electricity when there is increased demand, due to the country’s power surplus. 

Analysis has shown that demand for electricity will soar in the next few years. There are plans in the pipeline for major new wind farms to be built, enhancing Britain’s ability to meet increased demand. However, many in the energy industry are warning that the grid infrastructure needs a major update in order to keep up and allow for this natural energy to flow through homes, bringing down the cost of living. 

Renewable energy overtakes gas to power Britain
Blog Info
Spencer Ogden
14 JUN 2023
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