Good luck to Team This Way Up

We are very proud to be sponsoring Team This Way Up as they embark on the ultimate test of endurance across the Atlantic Ocean, in the 2022 Talisker Atlantic Whiskey Challenge (TWAC).  

This challenge sees the crew compete in a 3000-mile ocean rowing race against (circa) 30 teams from La Gomera, Canary Islands to English Harbour in Antigua. Last week, they said their fair wells to their loved ones and made their way over to La Gomera where they will undergo 10 days of final preparation ahead of the start day, 12th December.  

Over the last 12 months, team This Way Up has been undergoing intensive training which has involved following a strict training and nutrition programme set out by the University of Kent Sports and Science team, who train elite athletes. The training programme consists of training 6 days a week where they must complete weight training, plus 2 hours a day on the rowing machine to build up their rowing endurance. During the summer months, the team also had to complete a minimum of 120 hours on the boat altogether as a race entry requirement. This included eating and sleeping on the boat, plus going through the all-important safety procedures.  

With just a week to go before they start the challenge, the team has been going through the final safety briefings and safety checks of the boat and food checks. During their time at sea, they will not only be carrying the load of each other but a vast amount of equipment, including spare oars, distress flares, sun cream, water filter (to filter the seawater to drink), a satellite phone, and navigation equipment. They must also carry a large quantity of food to ensure there is enough for each of them to eat daily to last 55 days - this amounts to 7000 calories worth of meals and snacks per man for the duration of the race!  

The team has successfully passed all these checks and is now in the process of getting the boat in the water and making sure everything is working as it should and to build up their immunity of seasickness by spending time out on the water.  

So far, the team has raised an incredible £60,606 for the Starlight Children’s Charity, a national charity supporting some of the most unwell children in the UK. Championing the power of play to create a sense of escape from their difficult reality.  

Good luck to Team This Way Up
Blog Info
Spencer Ogden
10 AUG 2023
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