EnBW's Journey from Classic Energy Company to Sustainable Partner for Infrastructure

In a recent interview with Spencer Ogden, Markus Wild and Damien Zachlod, Managing Directors at EnBW (Energie Baden-Württemberg AG), shared their firsthand experiences and insights into EnBW's ambitious journey from traditional energy sources to leading the charge in renewable energy. 

This discussion not only highlights the company's significant strides in this transition but also the strategic and operational challenges faced along the way.

​EnBW's Evolution and Vision

EnBW, established as a classic energy company, has been at the forefront of the energy transition for over a decade. 

Since 2012, we have invested around five billion euros in renewable energies – in Germany and internationally. A further four billion is set to be invested between 2021 and 2025, which means that 50% of the installed capacity of our generation portfolio will consist of renewable energies by 2025.

Focusing on renewable energy, electricity grids, telecommunications networks, e-mobility, and smart energy solutions, EnBW is paving the way toward a sustainable future. 

With a clear vision, the company aims to achieve climate neutrality by 2035, reflecting its commitment to achieving the goals agreed at COP28, the global sustainability agenda and the Paris Agreement. EnBW's climate protection goals are in line with the Paris 1.5 degree target and have been scientifically verified by the Science Based Targets initiative.

When discussing how long-standing employees felt about the transition, Wild described: "Our strategy hinges on connecting EnBW's vision with global sustainability goals, such as those outlined in the Paris Agreement and COP28. It's about aligning our business objectives with the urgent call for climate neutrality, thereby imbuing our work with a profound sense of purpose. We aim to make every employee a stakeholder in this mission, fully aware of the critical role they play."

​Insights from the Transition

Wild and Zachlod shared compelling statistics that illustrate EnBW's progress. 

The company has reached a remarkable milestone, with renewable energy now accounting for a significant portion of its energy mix. EnBW has successfully increased the share of its generation plants accounted for by renewable energies from almost 19% to over 40%, boasting an installed output of around 5,400 megawatts.

This shift not only reflects EnBW's dedication to sustainability but also highlights the company's role in driving the energy transition forward.

​Challenges in Talent Management

As EnBW navigates this transition, a critical challenge has been recruiting, managing and adapting its workforce to meet the evolving demands of the renewable energy sector. 

The company achieved a record hiring number in 2023, bringing on board 3,400 new employees group-wide. This expansion underscores EnBW's proactive approach to talent attraction and retention, emphasising the importance of aligning the company's sustainable goals with the aspirations of its employees.

"While we face our share of obstacles and challenges, especially in international contexts, our core strategies for talent management have proven effective. Navigating these complexities is part of our journey toward a sustainable future," said Zachlod.

​Infrastructure and Technological Innovations

EnBW's strategic investments in technology and infrastructure are central to its transition strategy. 

The company is not only expanding its renewable energy projects but is also ensuring that its gas-fired power plants are hydrogen-ready, laying the groundwork for a future that leans heavily on green hydrogen as a sustainable energy source. 

"As we pivot from coal and lignite to gas and hydrogen, the need to invest in our operational teams has never been clearer. This transition requires a significant shift in skills, underscoring our commitment to upskill and support our employees through every phase of our energy evolution."

​Navigating the Complexities of Nuclear Decommissioning

A significant aspect of EnBW's transition to renewable energy involves the decommissioning of nuclear power plants, a complex and long-term challenge that Wild and Zachlod discussed in detail. 

As Germany phased out its last nuclear power station in April 2023, EnBW embarked on the meticulous process of dismantling these facilities. This task not only requires specialised knowledge and skills but also presents a unique opportunity for talent management and development within the company. 

EnBW is committed to re-skilling and retaining its nuclear workforce for these decommissioning projects, ensuring that their invaluable experience and expertise continue to contribute to the company's evolution. This approach highlights EnBW's holistic strategy in transitioning its energy portfolio while maintaining a focus on sustainability, safety, and employee development. 

Through initiatives like these, EnBW is not only addressing the technical and environmental challenges of nuclear decommissioning but also reinforcing its role as a forward-thinking and responsible energy provider on the global stage.

​Looking Ahead

Looking forward, EnBW's strategic vision for 2025 and beyond is to transform from a classic energy company to an innovative and sustainable infrastructure service provider. 

This vision is supported by the company's robust plans for the expansion of renewable energies, grid development, and the introduction of new, innovative products and services for its customers.

The interview shed light on the global challenges in talent recruitment and development in the renewable energy sector. EnBW's experiences in the UK and Asia illustrate the diverse strategies required to bridge the talent gap and foster a workforce equipped to drive the energy transition. 

“The offshore market here in the UK is very mature and developed. So it's much easier to find talent to approach. I was working in Asia for four years between 2018 and 2022. and talent simply wasn’t available, you had to train or relocate staff to support projects” Wild explained.

Despite the competitive nature of the industry, EnBW's collaborative efforts, especially in interfacing with political and regulatory bodies, demonstrate the company's commitment to achieving sustainable energy goals on a global scale.

​EnBW's journey is a testament to the company's unwavering commitment to leading the energy transition. Wild and Zachlod's insights provide a valuable glimpse into the strategic, operational, and human resource challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. 

As EnBW continues to innovate and evolve, its contributions to the renewable energy sector and its vision for a sustainable future remain more relevant than ever.

​If you’ve found this article useful and would like to hear more about the impact of COP28’s commitments on talent, you can dive deeper with our latest report, Powering the Energy Transition.

EnBW's Journey from Classic Energy Company to Sustainable Partner for Infrastructure
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Spencer Ogden
06 MAR 2024
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